Plenary Speakers
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Johan CHRISTENSEN![]() Bio: Johan Christensen is a research fellow at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Broadly speaking, he is interested in wave physics and the theoretical description and numerical modeling of acoustic and mechanical metamaterials. The science of plasmonics in structured media also belongs to his line of research. In 2010 he was awarded his PhD at the Autonomous University of Madrid followed by a postdoctoral stay at the Spanish National Research Council until 2012 in Madrid as well. He was hired as an assistant research professor at the Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen until mid 2016. He has obtained numerous awards and grants such as a Marie-Curie Doctorate fellowship, Carlsberg fellowship, Young Elite researcher prize from the Danish Research Council, Ramon y Cajal fellowship and a Starting Grant from the European Research Council. Abstract: Recently, we witnessed a tremendous effort to conquer the realm of acoustics as a possible playground to test with sound waves topological protected wave propagation. Acoustics differ substantially from photonic and electronic systems since longitudinal sound waves lack intrinsic spin polarization and breaking the time-reversal symmetry requires additional complexities that both are essential in mimicking the quantum effects leading to topological robust sound propagation. In this talk I will give a detailed overview on topological states of acoustic matter and present a few examples on: valley-Hall acoustics, non-Hermitian sonic crysals, and Majorana-like zero modes for sound waves.
Kestutis STALIUNASBio: Graduated Theoretical Physics, Vilnius University, Lithuania, 1985. PhD in Physics, Vilnius University, 1989. Habilitation in Physics, Vilnius University, 2001. A.v. Humboldt fellow in Physikalisch-Technische Bundesantstalt (PTB) Braunschweig, Germany, 1991-1992. Between 1993-2003 senior research fellow in Braunschweig PTB and University of Hanover researching on nonlinear pattern formation in lasers (optical vortices, spatial solitons) and Bose condensates. Since 2004 ICREA research professor in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, head of research group on lasers, photonics and meta-photonics, nonlinear laser dynamics. Professional experience: around 250 articles in scientific journals with appr. 5000 citations (h-factor 40); appr. 500 presentations in conferences (appr. 100 invited ones); 2 patents, 1 monograph. Up to now directed (or currently directing) 15 PhD projects. Abstract: Local Hilbert transform for management of fields in optics and acoustics. Hilbert transform is associated with the breaking of symmetry of space or time. For instance, in optics, the breaking of symmetry of time (the causality principle) imposes the Hilbert transform on spectra. This is known under Kramers-Kronigs relation in optics. What we propose is the Hilbert transform in 2D or 3D space which can break the symmetry of the space locally. We derive such a local Hilbert transform for arbitrary directionality field. We show that the application of such a local Hilbert transform can result in focalization of light into desired patterns, for instance, can create sinks or vortices of the optical waves. We discuss how to implement the analogous local Hilbert transform in Acoustics, to achieve smart management of sound fields.